ISTO is a board game for players coins to turn into gold fastest. Win Prizes.Ahmedabad baji or ISTO or Ashta chamma (Ludo) --------------------------
ISTO is a board game for player's coins to turn into gold fastest. Win Prizes.
Ahmedabad baji or ISTO or Ashta chamma (Ludo)
Ahmedabad baji or ISTO or Asthachanga game or Ashta chamma (Ludo) is a board game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules. Ahmedabad baji or ISTO or Asthachanga or Ashta chamma (Ludo) is based on pure strategy, chance (Cowry roll), or a mixture of the two, and usually have a goal to turn all 4 coins gold that a player aims to achieve. Ahmedabad baji or ISTO or Asthachanga or Ashta chamma (Ludo) represents a battle between four armies, in terms of getting their coins turn into gold first. Throwing cowry on board decides your next move.
Few basics :
1. Press "Play Game". You will be taken to board game scene.
2. Your coins are always Green. You will be the first to throw cowry. Depending on what count you get from cowry throw, you will be able to move your coin anticlockwise.
3. CPU will take 3 turns for 3 users except you.
4. If you are moving to a box where there is already opposition coin, you can Kill that coin. Thats how you get eligibility to move inner square. Your entry to inner circle will be arrow next to your home.
5. More and detailed rules are in "How To Play" section.